5 Ways to boost your immune system through diet and lifestyle changes
When you’re trying to boost your immunity to harmful germs, the first aspect to recognize is that one magical supplement or diet could do the job.
The immune system is composed of cells, tissues, and organs that cause the body to fend off disease from outsider threats, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and pollutants. It is a rapidly evolving, complex biological system that needs harmony between all parts to operate properly.
It means that optimum immune health depends on a multi-faceted approach that aims at making good lifestyle choices.
To assure that your immune system is as powerful as it can be against such invaders; here are practical tips worth integrating into your daily life.
1. Eat the rainbow
Concentrate on nutrient-dense foods and aim at consuming several different colorful foods with each meal. That’s the easiest essential to secure that you get a healthy daily intake of essential nutrients, such as vitamin C, A, B, zinc, and selenium. Increase the daily consumption of foods with especially high powerful antioxidants, such as berries, dark leafy green vegetables, cocoa, and citrus fruits, to help protect your immune system and also the respiratory tract.
2. Drink the broths
Veggie and bone broths are filled with soothing amino acid, L-glutamine, which improves the wellbeing of the intestines by enhancing the health of the intestine wall, which in effect helps reduce inflammation.
Help for intestinal tolerance is vital to immunity. We may also support this by increasing our regular consumption of periodic fiber-rich foods such as onions, garlic, chives, and Jerusalem artichokes, and also acidophilus bacteria-rich foods including such raw sauerkraut and kefir.
3. Utilize Your Spices
We all love a nice cup of tea, and now is the ideal time to turn to your spicy cupboard and opt for chopped fresh ginger or turmeric tea. Best known for its immune-stimulating properties and decreasing inflammation, you could even add some fresh organic honey or cinnamon for a touch of sweetness.
4. Keep hydrated
Unsurprisingly, we need to remain well hydrated for our body to operate optimally, and this also relates to our immune system. Regular intake of water may also help to wash any persistent pathogens in the throats down into the digestive system to destroy stomach acid, offering extra protection for our immune system.
5. Get enough sleep
Sleep and the immunity system are closely related.
In such a study in 164 healthy individuals, those sleeping less than 6 hours every night were much surer to capture a cold than those sleeping 6 hours or more every night.
Having enough rest will improve your natural immunity. Also, you can sleep more while you are sick to help your immune system to battle your illness better.
The immune system is important in helping us avoid attacks from bacteria or viruses. Although there is no real treatment pill that can help improve your immunity, improvements in your diet, and exercise can enhance your immune system’s capacity to safeguard you from outside threats.